About us

Charity Introduction

The Organization’s Vision,Mission

Charity Introduction

The “Yavaran Aytam” charity organization was founded in 2001 (1379 SH), aiming to help impoverished orphaned children. The charity’s goal is to provide necessities for the orphans who have lost a bread-winning parent (due to illness, car accidents, earthquakes, etc.) and currently have no source of income. The charity is run with the help of volunteers believing in the organization’s goals.

The Organization’s Vision

The “Yavaran Aytam” charity shall be a non-profit, self-motivated, and independent organization, covering verified, impoverished orphans as much as it can afford.

[The Organization’s] Mission

The organization’s mission consists of offering support and protection to the needful orphans who have lost a bread-winning parent (due to illness, in car accidents, earthquakes, etc.) and currently have no source of income, according to the articles of association.

The Organization’s Manifesto
Our greatest goal in providing help to the needful children is to please God, the companionate.
The public trust is the institute’s greatest asset. It is [and shall remain] a non-profit organization.
The organization’s basic code of conduct is to protect the supported families’ dignity, honor, and reputation. The organization advertisements solely aim to expand its operations, in order to realize the goals in the articles of association, resulting in better provision for the help-seekers.
Our calling
Our calling is to please God Almighty, along with maintaining peace of mind, [by] serving the orphans; whose sweet smiles we desire. This will not be possible without trust building, bridging, and creating close relationships between the help-seekers and the help providers. That is why we are trying to reach this milestone.
Ethics charter of the “Yavaran Aytam” charity
We, the members of the “Yavaran Aytam” charity organization, promise God Almighty to follow the ethics charter and try our best in its protection and execution.
All data and documents in the organization are kept in trust and considered confidential. We shall all cooperate in their protection; we are not allowed to take any personal or organizational advantage.
We find ourselves trusted with the well-keeping and protection of the organization’s properties, promising to show the utmost care and thrift. Dealing with matters without any waste of time is our motto. Procrastination is prohibited, as we believe that longing orphans are awaiting our help. Respecting the help-seekers’ honor and reputation is our organizational core value.






با سفارش استند تسلیت، می توانید به جای پرداخت هزینه های گزاف خرید تاج گل و چاپ بنرهای یکبار مصرف، ضمن تسلیت به خانواده عزادار در امری نیکو به کودکان یتیم یاری رسانید.
By ordering a symbol of sympathy (condolence stand), we will share your sorrow with helping orphans.