Medical Treatment

In cases when a help-seeker suffers from a severe illness, with treatment costs unaffordable for the family, the charitable doctors trusted by the organization will readily offer their services free of charge and pursue their treatment of the illness. Those under support may also present their medical records and prescriptions to the organization, and it will assist them by paying the complete or partial amount of the required sum after verification.

In cases when a bread-winning mother suffers from a severe illness, with treatment costs unaffordable for the family, she may inform the organization by presenting her medical records to cover up to 30% of the charges and provide assistance.
All of the above is possible by having the records verified and confirmed by the medical department director and management.






با سفارش استند تسلیت، می توانید به جای پرداخت هزینه های گزاف خرید تاج گل و چاپ بنرهای یکبار مصرف، ضمن تسلیت به خانواده عزادار در امری نیکو به کودکان یتیم یاری رسانید.
By ordering a symbol of sympathy (condolence stand), we will share your sorrow with helping orphans.