The charity’s doctrine (dos and don’ts)

  1. The admitted orphans must be under 12 years old. The provision ends at 18, and decision-making upon rare cases of support, under [exceptional] circumstances, shall be assigned to a council of three (comprising a member of the board of directors and two from university figures connected with the charity).
  2. There shall be a general assembly (public meeting) every year, its exact date organized by the board of directors.
  3. The following are to be spent ASAP and reduced to 0:
  • Monetary Zakat and expiation of Eid al-Adha
  • Religious offerings
  • Religious sacrifice
  1. It is just ok to save up to 10% of the general donations at the most.
  2. The help providers shall receive their financial report once a year.
  3. Receiving the board of trustees’ approval, the charity’s financial report shall be uploaded on its website every year at the end of “Tir” (July)
  4. Every season, the board of trustees shall have a meeting.
  5. The institute should employ volunteers for its current matters as much as possible.
  6. None of the help-seekers/ providers’ names/identities shall be erased from the organization’s records.
  7. The help-seeker’s monthly allowance must not stop without good reason. (Reasons for the allowance discontinuance: turning 18, guardianship for the mother, the help-seeker’s marriage, and leaving school before graduation)
  8. The principle of respecting the help-seekers’ dignity shall always be foremost in the charity; we shall [only] receive and send them new, unused items.
  9. The charity shall send a yearly report on the help-seeker to their help-provider.
  10. [Object] releasing from the charity is our motto. No item shall be held up in the organization; we shall send all the money, clothing, goods, etc. to the help-seekers ASAP.
  11. All the work of the financial and “Paya” units must be frequently updated, regarding the importance of the matters concerning the help-seekers and help-providers.
  12. There shall be no withdrawal from the help-seekers’ monthly allowance to cover the charity’s current costs.
  13. The organization’s current costs shall be covered by the “organization’s providers”.





با سفارش استند تسلیت، می توانید به جای پرداخت هزینه های گزاف خرید تاج گل و چاپ بنرهای یکبار مصرف، ضمن تسلیت به خانواده عزادار در امری نیکو به کودکان یتیم یاری رسانید.
By ordering a symbol of sympathy (condolence stand), we will share your sorrow with helping orphans.