• Seyyed Farhad Eftekhar-zadeh
Career history
Administrator of the Kish Free Zone Organization, Principal at the Kish Science and Technology Institute, general manager at the International Connections Office of Ministry of Education, chancellor of Azad University of Tehran, branches of East Tehran (Imam Hossein square- Parand)
• Mohammad Servati
Master’s Degree in MPM
Career history
Working with the Ministry of Industries and Mining (1380-1384 SH), current president of the board of directors at Parsan company
Nazanin Rabi’ee
Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy from Shariati University
Career history
Current member of the board of directors at Armaghan and Fivarsazan companies, UNICEF member (1382-84 SH), head accountant at the department in the University of Applied Science and Technology (Tehran- 1387-90 SH), financial manager at Ifachi-kar (85-90), member of the board of directors in Fivarsazan and financial manager at Fivarsazan Toseeh Parsian (1390 SH to current), insurance agent of Parsian Insurance (1396-97 SH), financial manager at Armaghan company (1397 SH- current)
علی زارعان
سوابق شغلی
علی زمان
سوابق شغلی
Shahin Shah-Cheraghi
Degree in Architecture, Master’s degree in Education Administration
Career history
• Abbas Sadri
Master’s degree in Management and Organizational Development from International University of America, Ph.D. in Educational Planning
Career history
Faculty member at Shahid Rajayi University, assistant professor, general manager of the technical and vocational high schools’ office at the Ministry of Education (1367-82 SH), general manager of the International Connections Office at Ministry of Education (1383 SH), director of the ISESCO regional office in Tehran (1384-current), member of the supreme council at the Ministry of Education, member of the planning council of the Applied Science and Technology University, member of the planning council at Farhangian University
Seddigheh Sabaghian
Career history
Mohammad Mehdi Abdullah-zadeh
Career history
Fatemeh Fathi
Career history
• Anahita Farkhondeh-Fal
Career history
Researcher on pharmaceutical Nano-technology at Nano-Technology Research Center at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Tehran University, Technical director at pharmaceutical raw materials import company, founder and technical director of the Great 24/7 Drugstore of Islamshahr (current)
• Mahmood Ghaeli
Mechanics Engineer from Iran University of Science and Technology
Career history
Executive manager of cement projects, CEO of Lastic-Pars (Pirouzi) company
Ali Gol-Mohammadi
Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications from Sharif University of Technology, Master’s degree in Telecommunications from Tarbiat Modares University
Career history
Ameneh Sadat Masoumian
Career history
Technical instructor and principal of the Electrical Institute of Industrial school (Qom), technical instructor of Iran-Mehr Industrial school (Tehran), principal of the only girls’ industrial school founded in post-revolutionary Tehran, instructor and educational director of the Girls’ Technical College of Tehran, director of the welfare unit of the Girls’ Technical College of Tehran, technical vice-president of the Sooreh Art Center School of applied science and technology
Nasrin Monzavi Karbasi
Career History
Expert at the Plan and Budget Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Farangis Neshasteh-Riz
Career History
President of the Art and Architecture institute of Dr. Shariati Faculty, Director of the Girls’ Kian-Shahr Technical College (current Vali-ye- Asr, under the direction of the Somayeh Center), Technical vice-president of the Somayeh Girls’ Technical College (Tehran), Instructor at the Institute of Technology (Technical and Vocational Department, Ministry of Education)
Mehri Noohi
Career History
Faculty member and educational vice-president at Dr. Shariati College, member of the planning team at the University of applied science and technology, member of the planning team of the Technical and Vocational University, administrative institute director at Dr. Shariati College, with 20 years of experience as the CEO of the “Yavaran” charity until now.