
This department is located at the organization, offering different goods (in case of availability) such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. like a store. The families may choose in person and receive the product free of charge.

The help-seekers outside Tehran may contact their connectors, and express their requirements. Afterward, the dear connectors will report it to the Donations Department, and in case of product availability, necessary measures are taken. In some cases, it is even possible to send it to other towns.





با سفارش استند تسلیت، می توانید به جای پرداخت هزینه های گزاف خرید تاج گل و چاپ بنرهای یکبار مصرف، ضمن تسلیت به خانواده عزادار در امری نیکو به کودکان یتیم یاری رسانید.
By ordering a symbol of sympathy (condolence stand), we will share your sorrow with helping orphans.