- The admitted orphans must be under 12 years old. The provision ends at 18, and decision-making upon rare cases of support, under [exceptional] circumstances, shall be assigned to a council of three (comprising a member of the board of directors and two from university figures connected with the charity).
- There shall be a general assembly (public meeting) every year, its exact date organized by the board of directors.
- The following are to be spent ASAP and reduced to 0:
- Monetary Zakat and expiation of Eid al-Adha
- Religious offerings
- Religious sacrifice
- It is just ok to save up to 10% of the general donations at the most.
- The help providers shall receive their financial report once a year.
- Receiving the board of trustees’ approval, the charity’s financial report shall be uploaded on its website every year at the end of “Tir” (July)
- Every season, the board of trustees shall have a meeting.
- The institute should employ volunteers for its current matters as much as possible.
- None of the help-seekers/ providers’ names/identities shall be erased from the organization’s records.
- The help-seeker’s monthly allowance must not stop without good reason. (Reasons for the allowance discontinuance: turning 18, guardianship for the mother, the help-seeker’s marriage, and leaving school before graduation)
- The principle of respecting the help-seekers’ dignity shall always be foremost in the charity; we shall [only] receive and send them new, unused items.
- The charity shall send a yearly report on the help-seeker to their help-provider.
- [Object] releasing from the charity is our motto. No item shall be held up in the organization; we shall send all the money, clothing, goods, etc. to the help-seekers ASAP.
- All the work of the financial and “Paya” units must be frequently updated, regarding the importance of the matters concerning the help-seekers and help-providers.
- There shall be no withdrawal from the help-seekers’ monthly allowance to cover the charity’s current costs.
- The organization’s current costs shall be covered by the “organization’s providers”.